Is your teen studying Spanish and needs help with grammar ?

When studying Spanish, some students can struggle with:

Standardized Content

Generalized methodologies and explanations are not always suitable for all types of learners.

Uniform Pace

All students must progress at the same rate, which may be too fast for some and too slow for others.

Limited Practice

Video lessons are great to save time, but they are not ideal for practicing pronunciation in real conversation.

Limited Feedback

When doing grammar exercises, students know they made mistakes but don’t know why or how to correct them.

I love helping teen students succeed in their Spanish classes

I specialize in a one-to-one format, because it allows me to provide:

Personalized Attention:

A private session optimizes time to address specific needs, allowing for faster progress than in group classes.

Clarifying Questions:

We have the flexibility to focus on the student's specific doubts and spend as much time as needed until they are resolved.

Immediate Feedback:

No need to wait for the teacher to grade the homework; we can continuously and immediately address any questions or issues that arise.

Increased Confidence:

I love to provide a safe environment where the student feels free to ask questions and make mistakes.

Continuous Support:

Having someone to turn to whenever they have questions, is a great complement for their school classes.

My goal is to support and supplement the student's Spanish curriculum by answering their questions, explaining difficult parts of their homework, and providing opportunities to practice what they're learning.

What does a tutoring session include?

$ 20 USD / Hour – $ 60 USD / 4 sessions


25-Minute Session

$ 35 USD / Hour – $ 120 USD / 4 sessions


55-Minute Session

Homework Help

We review your student’s homework or school projects together, and I help them with any questions they have. We will use the materials from their current study program.

Homework help (25 min)

Pronunciation practice (10 min)

Conversation practice (20 min)

Pronunciation practice

Through the same materials and exercises that the student is using in school, I help them ensure correct pronunciation and feel more comfortable and capable of speaking Spanish with accuracy.

Homework help (15 min)

Pronunciation practice (10 min)

Conversation practice

Through the exercises in your student's current study program, combined with my immediate feedback to correct errors and reinforce proper language usage, they will apply what they are learning in meaningful conversations.

“The class I took helped me review topics that I had already learned, but just needed a little refresher on. Also, the way she taught everything was very clear, consise, and definitely fun!”

– Jesenia Rodriguez

“I really enjoyed this tutoring, and I found it very beneficial for my continued learning of the Spanish language. I had an opportunity to revisit and polish up previously learned concepts and look at certain difficult areas with new explanations. The activities were straightforward and easy to understand, and gave me the ability to interact and practice my pronunciation. We also had some laughs along the way, and got to know each other all while strengthening my Spanish language skills. I would definitely recommend these sessions for anyone looking to enhance their fluency with the Spanish language!”

– Emmy Creek

How to book a session or set of sessions:

Click the button and fill in all the requested information. I will contact you within 48 hours to send you the PayPal link and complete your registration.

I look forward to helping your teen succeed in their Spanish classes!